
Seniors' Holiday Club 

Tuesday 20, Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 August | 11:30am to 4:00pm
All Saints Centre, Weston

Includes coffee and biscuits, lunch, tea and cake. Come for as little or as much as you like.

Relax and enjoy each other's company with (optional) games, quizzes, singing, gentle exercise, relaxation, videos and plenty of time to chat and get to know people. This is for older people (of any age!) who have difficulty getting away on holiday, or who are at a loose end in August and would like to meet up with others.

Please book in with the Church Office (01225 447663 or in person) or Pippa Page (01225 331442) so we can make sure there is enough food! Let us know if transport is needed.

Suggested donation £7 per day, or £20 for 3 days.