

There are lots of opportunities to volunteer in Weston and Newbridge, and the more of us who are able to help, the better it is for our whole community.
Bath Gateway Out and About 
Provide a wide range of fun activities
Community Speed Watch Groups
Dorothy House Charity Shop 
Volunteer at out local shop on the High Street
Friends of Newbridge Park 
Friends of the Royal United Hospitals 
Over 20 different volunteering roles to help at the hospital
Future Weston 
Future Weston is a Community Association of local people who feel passionately about the Weston and Newbridge area.
Local groups volunteering opportunities
Lots of local opportunities to help
The Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association 
Looking for help on a Monday and Friday evening
Volunteers for Rainbows, Brownies and Guide groups 
Weston Litter Group
1st Saturday of each month | 9:30am for 1 hour